Emily's Oils & Essentials

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This essential oil is steam distilled in France from plants grown in Morocco. I’m glad to add it to my collection. Artemisias are very nostalgic for me
Botanical Name : Artemisia herba alba

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“This essential oil is steam distilled in France from plants grown in Morocco. I’m glad to add it to my collection. Artemisias are very nostalgic for me, I really like the smell. This one isn’t as offensive as the Artemisia vulgaris. The smell is full and up-front. Nothing hiding in there. We see images of the Artemisias as scrubby desert plants. When planted with some shade and watered they are willing to grow dense and tall and lush. The terroir really shows up in the essential oil products.


Alpha thujone and camphor occur in the highest percentages, about 26 and 36 percent. Ketones are stimulating and are used to treat respiratory infections and as mucolytics. Most reference materials have very brief entries on this essential oil, something to the effect of any benefits to be achieved with this oil can be achieved with a less toxic oil.


Don’t take it orally and use care when adding Mugwort to a blend. Use it magically to protect a space or consecrate tools.


Called Armoise in French. The herb and oil are used in dream pillows to induce wild dreams or dreams of premonition. Lore tells us that regular users have heightened psychic abilities and visions.”

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